The Adventure

On my first full day to spend with my sister we started out by going to her house that she is having remodeled.  Her house is down to the dry wall.  They’ve removed the fireplace and the wall that it was on.  This really opens her house up.  I started taking pictures of her house and the forest that surrounds her house.  It’s beautiful!  Everything is so green.

I began to post the pictures to fb and a friend responds to my post with “who is the M name?”  I say “Mark.”  She replies “He wants her to show you his favorite place. A river.”  My sister starts thinking and naming off different places, she finally realizes it must be the Hoh river.  “Bingo” comes the reply, “look south when you get there.”

My sister lost her husband a little over three years ago.  Then her step-dad passed away.  Within a year our dad passed away and within another year her mom passed away.

It may sound weird or ridiculous but I like to believe our loved ones still talk to us in one way or another.

Needless to say, we were very curious about this message so we decided it would be a great first adventure while I’m there.

The Hoh river was a couple of hours away.  But it was a very pretty drive through the mountains.  We Stopped here and there to snap pictures.  Finally, we come to a spot right off the road.  It looked familiar to her but yet it had changed a lot since the last time she was there.  Maybe it’s not the right place.

She was unsure if it was the right spot so we continued down to a camping area where we parked and walk down to the river.  My sister has been doing this for years and much more adept at it than me.  But I kept up.  I was actually surprised my clumsy self didn’t eat it on the rocks.

As we begin to explore we both pick up a couple of rocks we thought were different.   We keep looking south and nothing pops out at us.  I say “sis maybe he just wants you to remember the happy memories.”  We talked for a little while.  She was telling me stories of their camping trips and many trips to the river to fish.  I suggested we go back to the other spot because I had noticed that was now south of us.

Once there we both get out and walk out as far as we can without trespassing.  There we stand just looking at the beauty of the river and surrounding forest.  I see this very pretty flower and take a picture of it.  My sister turned around and in amazement says ‘Is that a wild rose?  It is a wild rose!  This is our favorite flower.  I’m thinking about getting a tattoo with a wild rose.”

My sister was excited and this made her day.

Whether you believe in signs from loved one we’ve lost or not,  I know that her husband led us to that place for a reason.  I hope that it helps her to continue to heal and take a step forward in life.

We set off for home, stopping on the roadside with our camping chairs out and picnic with an ocean view.



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One response to “The Adventure”

  1. Donna Bartholomew Balber Avatar
    Donna Bartholomew Balber

    True story..I am that friend who got then passed along the message..It’s so comforting to “Believe”


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